EV charging Archives - Woodward Group /category/ev-charging/ Mechanical engineering & electrical contracting services across United Kingdom Thu, 09 May 2024 12:49:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 /wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-WE_fav-32x32.jpg EV charging Archives - Woodward Group /category/ev-charging/ 32 32 Net zero: what does it mean and how do we get there? /net-zero-what-does-it-mean-and-how-do-we-get-there/ Fri, 03 May 2024 16:12:32 +0000 /?p=3506 The Energy Saving Trust describes the term “net zero” as achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed. But how can…

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The Energy Saving Trust describes the term “net zero” as achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed. But how can we achieve this? Woodward Group shares some practical steps that businesses can take.
The Government’s Net Zero Strategy

The UK Government’s Net Zero Strategy sets out how the country will unlock £90 billion in investment to reach ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050. It outlines the support that will be provided to businesses and consumers in the transition to clean energy and green technology – including reducing the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels and switching to low carbon travel options like electric vehicles.

Are we on track for 2050?  

While the UK has been successful in the reduction of its carbon emissions, there is concern that it might miss future targets. There is, arguably, a lack of urgency in reducing emissions, with the majority of reductions from the last decade having been from the electricity supply sector alone. There needs to be significant progress in agriculture, land use, and waste areas in order to meet the targets set out in the Net Zero Strategy.

What progress has been made?

Despite concern that the UK might miss its net zero targets, a few areas of promising progress have been made, including:

  • A three-quarter reduction in carbon emissions from electricity generation since 1990, caused by the growing popularity of renewable energy.
  • Electric cars are slowly gaining popularity, accounting for 16.5% of new car sales in 2023. This is likely to increase with further public charging points continuing to be added.
  • Meat consumption has fallen by 17% in the UK over the last decade, and environmental land management schemes mean farmers can apply for public money to support activities that benefit the environment.
What can businesses and individuals do?

Both businesses and individuals are being asked to help support net zero efforts and to play their part in reducing emissions. This could involve many different actions, such as:

  • Installing a Building Management System – a BMS can analyse and monitor your energy use, control your assets and ultimately optimise the way energy is used in order to cut carbon emissions and lower business costs.
  • Visiting the UK Business Climate Hub in order to find practical tools and resources to help them understand and reduce emissions.
  • Installing energy efficient lighting.
  • Switching to electric transport options and installing EV charging points in your business.
  • Installing Ground Source and Air Source Heat Pumps – which take heat from the ground and air and use it to warm your home.
Practicing what we preach

At Woodward Group we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint while providing high-quality products and services. We maintain an Environmental Management System with due reference to the standard BS EN ISO 14001:2004 and strive for environmental best practice throughout our business activities. We have also installed roof mounted solar panels at our office, as well as EV chargers for staff and customer use.

Woodward Group also made the decision to switch our company vehicles to plug in hybrids, and we are in the process of moving to a fully paperless CRM system.

Read our environmental statement to learn more.

How Woodward Group can help

At Woodward Group we are committed to helping build energy efficient and environmentally friendly spaces without compromising on aesthetics. Our Energy Solutions team can advise on a number of flexible green solutions for your business, including energy efficient lighting, Building Management Systems, electric vehicle charging and more.

To book your free consultation or find out more about our Energy Solutions, please call 01283 819379 or email us on enquiries@woodwardgroup.net

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World EV Day 2021: Debunking The Myths Around Electric Vehicles /world-ev-day-2021/ Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:11:44 +0000 /?p=2093 World EV Day is a global movement that highlights and promotes the role of electric vehicles in the move to net zero and decarbonisation. To celebrate World EV Day 2021, Woodward Group debunks the top five myths surrounding electric vehicles and EV charging to help #drivechange. Myth One: EVs Don’t Have Enough Range When electric…

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World EV Day is a global movement that highlights and promotes the role of electric vehicles in the move to net zero and decarbonisation. To celebrate World EV Day 2021, Woodward Group debunks the top five myths surrounding electric vehicles and EV charging to help #drivechange.
Myth One: EVs Don’t Have Enough Range

When electric cars were first introduced properly to the UK market back in 2010, it is true they had a more limited range. But over ten years’ worth of development later, there is now a much greater number of affordable electric vehicles that offer over 200 miles of charge, and that number will likely increase exponentially as the world continues moving towards greener energy. Top range models can now offer more than 300 miles of range per charge, which is not far off what you’d expect from a tank of petrol in a small car.

World EV Day 2021According to Car Magazine: “The latest generation of electric cars have sufficient range to meet most drivers’ daily use with ease; many EV owners will simply charge at home or work and rarely have to bother with other charging infrastructure.”

Myth Two: EVs Aren’t Really Green

Some people argue the point that EVs still pollute the atmosphere, at least indirectly, via the power plants that produce the electricity necessary to operate them. But even in areas with the dirtiest coal-fired plants, EVs still have lower CO2 emissions overall.

This is because electric vehicles run on batteries rather than fossil fuels like petrol and diesel, which means they don’t emit large quantities of carbon dioxide into the air – a major cause of climate change. A reduction in exhaust fumes also means reduced harmful air pollutants like sulphur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen oxides (NOx).

Plus, unlike petrol cars, electric cars will get greener if a wind farm or other renewable energy source opens up nearby. This is because EV charge points can be powered by renewable energy.

Myth Three: EVs Are Too Expensive

Though electric vehicles are generally more expensive to buy, they usually work out cheaper than an equivalent petrol or diesel in the long run, especially if you use them regularly for work.

Company car tax, known as Benefit in Kind tax (BIK), is a tax on the “Benefit in Kind” that an employee is receiving when they are provided with a company car that they also utilise for personal use. The government sets BIK rates that encourage employers and company car drivers to opt for electric vehicles.

For company car drivers and fleet operators choosing an electric car, the tax rate on BIK is just 1% this tax year. This 1% rate also applies to hybrid vehicles with C02 emissions from 1-50g/km with an electric range greater that 130 miles. In comparison, a standard car with 110-114g/km would have a 26% BIK rate.

By investing in electric vehicles and EV charging infrastructure, businesses can therefore significantly improve their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. Find out more about the benefits of workplace EV charging for employers here.

Myth Four: UK Infrastructure Can’t Support EVs

According to EDF Energy, there are now over 42,000 charge point connectors across the UK in over 15,500 locations – that’s more public places to charge than petrol stations, with around 7,000 charge point connectors added in 2020 alone. Tools like Zap Map are now also available, which makes finding charge points easier for EV owners and allows them to plan longer journeys, pay on participating networks and share updates.

Furthermore, the Government’s commitment to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 has prompted further investment into electric vehicle charging schemes to accelerate electric vehicle uptake by businesses and make EV charging points more easily accessible for their employees. Find out more about the Workplace Charging Scheme grant here.

Myth Five: EVs Take Too Long To Charge

The time it takes to charge an electric car depends on the size of the battery and the speed of the charging point. A typical electric car (60kWh battery) takes just under 8 hours to charge from empty-to-full with a 7kW charging point – though most drivers will top up their battery charge as they go rather than charging it from empty. Rapid chargers are also available and are the fastest way to charge your electric vehicle, providing between 60-200 miles of range in half an hour.

As previously mentioned, charge points are quickly becoming a must-have essential for every business. Many employers are installing EV chargers on their premises, so that employees, clients and customers can charge their vehicles as they park – helping retain staff and incentivising customers to return to their business.

EV Charging Solutions

World EV Day is a global movement that encourages people to drive change together. It is a day of celebration of emobility, and a day to shift the transition to sustainable transport with consumer, business and policy outcomes.

As Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) approved installers, Woodward Group provides a range of industry-leading EV charging solutions for businesses and workplaces of all sizes. Through our EV charging point installation service, our aim is to help people and businesses reduce their carbon footprint, reduce running costs of company vehicles and make the switch to clean and affordable energy.

To discuss your EV charging point project and start reducing your carbon footprint, please call 01283 819379 or email us at enquiries@woodwardgroup.net. For more information about World EV Day 2021, please visit www.worldevday.org.

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What are the benefits of workplace EV charging? /benefits-of-workplace-ev-charging/ Fri, 30 Apr 2021 11:28:53 +0000 /?p=1898 With the UK government planning to end the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030, workplace charging is increasingly being seen as a valuable tool for employee attraction and retention. In this article, Woodward Group shares some of the many benefits of workplace EV charging. Statistics indicate that the electric…

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With the UK government planning to end the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030, workplace charging is increasingly being seen as a valuable tool for employee attraction and retention. In this article, Woodward Group shares some of the many benefits of workplace EV charging.

Benefits of workplace EV chargingStatistics indicate that the electric car market is growing quickly, with more than 235,000 pure-electric cars on UK roads at the end of March 2021 – and over 495,000 plug-in models including plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), according to Next Green Car. This is likely as a result of the increased benefits of workplace EV charging, as businesses try and move towards a greener future.

The benefits of workplace EV charging include:
  1. Incentivise staff – Benefit in Kind

Company car tax, known as Benefit in Kind tax (BIK) is a tax on the “Benefit in Kind” that an employee is receiving when they are provided with a company care that they also utilise for personal use. The government sets BIK rates that encourage employers and company car drivers to opt for electric vehicles.

For company car drivers and fleet operators choosing an electric car, the tax rate on BIK is just 1% this tax year. This 1% rate also applies to hybrid vehicles with C02 emissions from 1-50g/km with an electric range greater that 130 miles. In comparison, a standard car with 110-114g/km would have a 26% BIK rate.

  1. The OLEV Workplace Charging Scheme grant

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a government initiative that provides support towards the up-front costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charge points. The voucher-based scheme reduces the cost of a new workplace charging station (single socket) by 75%, capped at £350 per socket up to a maximum of 40 charge points across all sites for each applicant.

Any business with off-street parking can apply for the grant, but they must use an OZEV-approved installer, such as Woodward Group.

Find out more about why businesses are being urged to take advantage of the EV Workplace Charging Scheme here.

  1. Improve green credentials

One of the main benefits of EV workplace charging is that is demonstrates a clear environmental commitment. Electric vehicles run on batteries rather than fossil fuels like petrol and diesel, which means they don’t emit large quantities of carbon dioxide into the air – a major cause of climate change. A reduction in exhaust fumes also means reduced harmful air pollutants like sulphur dioxide (SO2) or nitrogen oxides (NOx).

By investing in electric vehicles and EV charging infrastructure, businesses can therefore significantly improve their Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. Encouraging employees to use electric vehicles is one of the best ways to cut down on your carbon footprint. It also shows you are embracing changing technologies of the future.

  1. Smart App Control

EV charging point smart appSmart charging can make electric vehicles even greener still. All of the Woodward Group EV charging solutions can be centrally controlled and monitored via smart apps. They can be set to power up vehicles when it’s most environmentally friendly to do so, such as when carbon emissions are likely to be at their lowest. Additionally, fleet vehicles, for example, could be set to charge overnight when energy costs are lower.

The apps include features that allow you to choose and customise charging rates; prioritise off-peak charging to maximise savings; and acts as a remote control for your charging unit.

  1. Convenience for employees & visitors

Despite the electric car market’s rapid growth and the rise in demand for more convenient and accessible charging, an estimated 75% of electric vehicle users are still unable to charge their cars at work in the UK.

Installing EV charging points at your business premises will make it easier for employees to make the switch to electric sooner rather than later if they have the peace of mind that they’ll be able to charge their vehicle while they work. It can also be a great incentive to help attract and retain new talent to your business. And with the Workplace Charging Scheme, it makes sense to start your EV charging project now while you can take advantage of the grants available.

How we can help

Woodward Group provides a range of industry-leading EV charging solutions for businesses and workplaces of all sizes. Through our EV charging point installation service, our aim is to help people and businesses reduce their carbon footprint, reduce running costs of company vehicles and make the switch to clean and affordable energy.

To discuss your EV charging point project and start reducing your carbon footprint, please call 01283 819379 or email us at enquiries@woodwardgroup.net

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More businesses urged to take advantage of the EV Workplace Charging Scheme /ev-workplace-charging-scheme/ Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:34:42 +0000 /?p=1861 The Government recently announced it’s boosting its financial support of electric vehicle charging by an additional £50 million and has extended the Workplace Charging Scheme grants for businesses. Woodward Group’s EV charging installations team explains. The Government’s commitment to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 has prompted further…

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The Government recently announced it’s boosting its financial support of electric vehicle charging by an additional £50 million and has extended the Workplace Charging Scheme grants for businesses. Woodward Group’s EV charging installations team explains.

The Government’s commitment to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 has prompted further investment into electric vehicle charging schemes to accelerate electric vehicle uptake and make EV charging points more easily accessible.

Part of this investment is to encourage businesses, including SMEs, to get on board and play an active role in the drive towards a zero carbon-emissions future. Installing EV charging points at places of work will provide an added boost to employees as they return to the office and support them in making the switch to electric vehicles.

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) grant

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a government initiative that provides support towards the up-front costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charge points. The voucher-based scheme reduces the cost of a new workplace charging station (single socket) by 75%. This is capped at £350 per socket, up to a maximum of 40 charge points across all sites for each applicant.

Any business with off-street parking can apply for the grant, but they must use an OLEV-approved installer and OLEV-approved products.

Applying for the scheme is straightforward – applications are made through the government’s online application portal. If eligibility checks are successful, you will be issued with a unique identification voucher code via email, which can then be given to an OLEV-authorised WCS installer like Woodward Group.

Why install EV charging points at your workplace now?

2030 may seem like a long way off, but it’ll be upon us before we know it. The electric car market is growing rapidly and with it the demand for more convenient and accessible charging. Installing EV charging points at your business premises will make it easier for employees to make the switch to electric sooner rather than later if they have the peace of mind that they’ll be able to charge their vehicle while they work. And with the Workplace Charging Scheme, it makes sense to start your EV charging project now while you can take advantage of the grants available.

EV Workplace Charging Scheme

Additional benefits of installing EV charging points at your business premises include:

  • Employee benefit/perk
  • Reduce running costs of company vehicles/fleets
  • Client/visitor convenience
  • Improve your green credentials
  • No tax to pay on electric charging
How Woodward Group can help

Woodward Group is an OLEV-approved EV charging point installer. We provide a complete cost-effective supply and installation service through our partnership with a leading supplier of high quality, smart EV charging points.

Our experts can advise on the most suitable EV charging solution for your business. We suggest that we conduct a site survey before any applications are made for the Workplace Charging Scheme to give you an understanding of what can be installed at your site. We will talk you through the different charging options and can also help with home charging installations for you and your staff.

To discuss your EV charging project or if you have any queries about the Workplace Charging Scheme, please call us on 01283 819 379 or complete our contact form here and a member of our team will be in touch.

The post More businesses urged to take advantage of the EV Workplace Charging Scheme appeared first on Woodward Group.
